The India vs Australia Test match, which ended with Australia’s victory on 29 December 2020, was a wrestling ring for cricket fans and media people around the world. On the fifth day of the match, an extreme movement occurred when Travis Head, the Australian spin bowler, caught Rishabh Pant out. In his joy, he celebrated by making a controversial sign. Travis Head’s ugly celebration became point of debate in all over the world.
Ugly celebration
He made a hole with one hand and inserted the finger of the other hand into it, took it out, inserted it again, then took it out. Not only once he repeated this process three to four times. In any region of this planet, among people of any culture, speaking any language, such a sign represents vulgarity. This sign simply means sexual process. In Hindi, it means to {Chudai} fuck.
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Pat cummin’s explanation of Travis Head’s ugly celebration
This is why this has become a debate all over the world. This debate has been trending on newspapers, news channels, and social media platforms. After the this match, Australian captain Pat Cummins explained the sign to the media. According to him, the sign meant that Travis Head was trying to say that his finger was too hot and he wanted to dip it in a cup of ice.
Pat Cummins tried hard to cover this up, but given the nature of the sign and the atmosphere of verbal altercations between players from both teams during the match, no one is willing to accept this explanation. There is a lot of anger and resentment among the people of India over Travis Head’s ugli celebration. They are calling the explanation of the pet comments a strange explanation. The people of India and the Indian cricket team have criticized the Australian player and fans in various statements. Cricket commentators have also called this sign inappropriate because people follow these heroes. If our heroes make such revealing gestures, their followers will also do the same, which will create evil and moral corruption in the society.
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